
1704 : Marie Therese Cadillac, First Child Baptized in Detroit
Feb 2 all-day

On February 2, 1704, Marie Therese Cadillac, daughter of the city’s founder, became the first child baptized in Detroit. She is born 9 months to the day that her mother arrived in Detroit from Montreal to join her husband on the frontier.

Source : Detroit Historical Society Facebook Page and the Detroit Almanac.

Bonus:  Younger readers might want to pursue First Lady of Detroit: The Story of Marie-Thérèse Guyon, Mme Cadillac (Detroit Biography Series for Young Readers), a book about Marie Therese Cadillac’s mom.  First Lady of Detroit is a spirited tale of an adventurous girl who grew up to commission and equip her own expedition to le Detroit, joining her husband there in the fall of 1701-less than a dozen weeks after Fort Pontchartrain was carved out of the wilderness.

Image result for Marie Therese Cadillac
1870: University of Michigan Admits First Female Student
Feb 2 all-day

On February 2, 1870, Elizabeth (Madelon) Stockwell from Kalamazoo was the first female admitted to the University of Michigan.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in June 1872. Stockwell came to the University to pursue advanced worked in Greek.

Eary photo of University of Michigan students and faculty, including women students, courtesy of Bentley Historical Library

The University opened a dormitory for women in her honor, which by 1954 accommodated 426 female students in single, double and triple rooms.

Source : Michigan History.

For more information, visit Diversity at the University of Michigan

The First Women, University of Michigan.

Photo courtesy of WAKV, The Memory Station Facebook Page, Plainwell, Michigan

1895 : Axe Murder Fixates Detroit
Feb 2 all-day

According to the book Wicked Women of Detroit, Nellie Pope was a good-sized woman: 6’4” and 250 pounds. Likened to the structure of an Amazonian woman, this is what attracted local barber William Brusseau. The two began a relationship, but the problem was – Nellie was already married to one of Detroit’s prominent doctors, Horace Pope. Whether Nellie actually had true feelings for Brusseau is questionable, as it appears in retrospect that she gave him sex in exchange for certain favors…..including murdering her husband. She fueled the fire by making up stories about how cruel her husband was, but what she really wanted was to collect on his insurance policy.

Dr. Pope had recently upped his life insurance. How convenient.

Since both Nellie and Brusseau had different versions about the murder and who was responsible, the actual act itself was pretty clear.

On February 2, 1895, Dr. Pope was home sitting in a chair when Brusseau came up from behind and swung an axe toward his head. The first swing sliced off the scalp of the doctor’s head; the second was a direct whack into the skull – so deep, that it was difficult to pull the blade out. The body fell to the floor, and the axe was swung a few more times, turning the doctor’s head into “nothing more than a bag of skin containing shattered shards of skull”.

After his arrest, Brusseau claimed he acted in self-defense after being attacked by the doctor. Trouble was, it was proven the doc was attacked with an axe from behind. Admitting his guilt, Brusseau also claimed he was under the hypnotic spell of Nellie – so enraptured, along with being mentally and physically addicted to her sexual favors.

The court decided both Nellie and Brusseau were guilty – he was given 25 years, she was given life at hard labor. Nellie was sent to Jackson State Prison for processing, and that’s where her reputation as a mentally unhinged, troublemaker began.


After being sent to the Detroit House of Corrections, she would occasionally go into hysterics, pretend to be insane, constantly get into fights with other inmates, and pretend to see ghosts. In particular, the ghost of her murdered husband. She wailed to the guards that the ghost of her husband “came every night and stood and looked at her until she nearly died of fright”. But they weren’t buying it.

Twenty years later, on New Year’s Day 1917, Michigan Governor Woodbridge Ferris gave Nellie Pope a parole. But where would she go? What would she do? How would she survive? She ended up living at the Salvation Army for twelve years until she passed away.

Nellie Pope – one of Michigan’s most infamous murderesses – claimed until her dying day she was innocent. She was given a full pardon in 1928 and died in 1929 at the age of 69.

Source : John Robinson, “Nellie Pope, the Detroit Axe Murderess of 1895“, 99.1 WFMK Blog, August 13, 2021.

1921 : Electric Streetcars Begin Operating in Detroit
Feb 2 all-day
Passengers battle for space dfuring rush hour.

On February 2, 1921, electric streetcars began operation in Detroit.

Sources :

Historical Society of Michigan.

Detroit Transit History

19 pictures showing the history of Detroit’s streetcar system, Detroit Metro Times.

Before the QLine: Detroit’s streetcar history, Detroit News. May 11, 2017.

1936 : Ty Cobb One of First Players Elected to Baseball’s Hall of Fame
Feb 2 all-day

On February 2, 1936,  Ty Cobb becomes one of the first players selected to enter the newly formed Baseball Hall of Fame.

Sources :

Michigan History Magazine

Tyrus Raymond Cobb Inducted to the Hall of Fame in: 1936, and by the way he received the most votes out of the first five inducted.

Ty Cobb : Man vs. Myth (YouTube)

1954 : Christie Brinkley Born, CoverGirl and a Whole Lot More
Feb 2 all-day

Believe it or not, but Christie Brinkley was born Christine Lee Hudson in Monroe, Michigan on February 2, 1954, although she moved to California with her family as a child.

Brinkley gained worldwide fame beginning in the late 1970s with three consecutive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers through 1981. She spent twenty-five years as the face of CoverGirl (the longest running cosmetics contract of any model in history), has appeared on over 500 magazine covers, and has signed contracts with major brands—both fashion and non-fashion.

Brinkley went on to work as an actress, illustrator, television personality, photographer, writer, designer, and activist for human and animal rights and the environment.

Brinkley has been married four times, most notably to musician Billy Joel, several of whose music videos she appeared in. Her fourth marriage, to architect Peter Cook, ended in a much-publicized 2008 divorce.

With a career spanning more than three decades, magazines such as Allure and Men’s Health have named Brinkley one of the most attractive women of all time. Her financial holdings in 2018 were worth an estimated US$250 million, primarily as the owner of several companies and real estate.

Source : Christie Brinkley wikipedia entry.

1954 : Wings Play First Winter Classic At Marquette Prison
Feb 2 all-day

Doc Emrick takes a look back on the first outdoor game ever played by an NHL team, which was on Feb. 2, 1954 when the Detroit Red Wings played the inmates of Marquette Branch Prison in the recreation yard.

On February 2, 1954, the Red Wings were invited by Emery Jacques, the Marquette prison’s last politically appointed warden, to play an outdoor game – the first in franchise history – inside the razor wire-topped stone walls and armed watchtowers of the state’s most notorious maximum-security prison, the Alcatraz of the North.

Marquette’s inmate population comprised the worst of the worst, and their hockey skills weren’t much better, so some tried to build up the game by emphasizing the convicts’ crimes and the possibility of a real brawl when the Marquette Prison Pirates linedup against the Wings.

Wings legend Ted Lindsay wasn’t the least bit concerned about a prison yard fracas, saying, “I was viewed as a hero because I was leading the league in penalties, so I fit right in with the boys.”

The playing conditions in Marquette that day were perfect, prompting Gordie Howe to say that the ice was “the best he had ever played on.”

Lindsay agreed, saying, “Anytime you get nature doing the freezing you’ve got the best ice possible.”

But someone had to build the rink of dreams, and that was Oakie Brumm. The prison’s director of physical activity and a former University of Michigan hockey player, Brumm was tasked with creating a rink in the prison yard without the convicts using the materials as tools for escaping.

Brumm would later write about his experiences in the prison in a book entitled “We Only Played Home Games” where he recounted his memories, including the only time an NHL club played inside a penitentiary.

“The inmates and I saw all of this as a future hockey rink,” wrote Brumm, who died in 2006. “Most of the custodial staff considered this serious escape equipment, at least until it was nailed down.”

The game on prison ice was the greatest thrill most of the inmates and staff had ever experienced. Wings coach Tommy Ivan put his team through a series of big league drills and skills competitions, and then the Wings defeated the Pirates soundly by displaying some of the dazzling stick work that made them league champions for seven consecutive seasons.

“They were more curious because they had heard us on the radio and seen us on the television,” said Lindsay, of the inmates. “Now they were looking at the real person.”

To make things interesting, the Wings swapped a few players, trading goalie Terry Sawchuk, among others, and exchanged one set of defensemen, said Lindsay, who skated on the opposite wing as Howe with an inmate as their centerman.

Howe then skated the second half of the game with the prison’s wear a No. 16 Pirates’ jersey.

Believe it or not, but the Red Wings ran away with the game and the warden presented Wings General Manager Jack Adams with a honey bucket as a makeshift trophy. Lindsay doesn’t remember the final score, which he calls insignificant.

History was made on that day, history that no other NHL team has ever duplicated. The first Winter Classic of 1954.

For the full article, see Bill Roose, Wings’ first outdoor game was in prison; First ‘Winter Classic’ was 58 years ago in Michigan prison”,, February 9, 2012.

Recalling Red Wings vs. Prisoners.

For another, see Richard Bak, “Red Wings’ 1954 Prison Game Featured Pros and Cons“, Detroit Athletic Company, January 25, 2015.

Christopher Klein, “You Won’t Believe Where the First NHL Outdoor Game Was Played“,, December 28, 2016.

Also see We only played home games : wacky, raunchy, humorous stories of sports and other events in Michigan’s maximum security prison / by Leonard “Oakie” Brumm. Oak Creek, Wis. : Brumm Enterprises, c2001. 228pp. MSU Library HV8860 .B78 2001b

2011 : Michigan State University Suspends Classes For Fifth Time Because of a Blizzard
Feb 2 all-day

CAT 5 Winter Weather History - Groundhog Day Blizzard

In what the National Weather Service called “a top 10 storm” for Michigan, Groundhog Day blizzard conditions brought about a foot of snow to mid-Michigan, along with high winds and frigid temperatures, creating dangerous wind chills and hazardous travel conditions. As a result, MSU suspended classes on February 2, 2011.  However the university’s critical functions were maintained and dining halls remained open, while electronic services and business operations were supported remotely. Classes and normal operations resumed February 3.

The university had only closed or canceled classes four other times:
• January 26-27, 1967: After a snowfall of 26 inches, the university closed for the first time in its history.
• April 3, 1975: A freak snowstorm dumped 15 inches of wet snow that came down so quickly, roads and walks were impassable. As this was in April, many people weren’t prepared to deal with snow. The snowfall subsequently led to one of the biggest floods in mid-Michigan history two weeks later.
• January 26-27, 1978: A 24-inch snowfall closed the university for two days.
• January 19, 1994: Classes were suspended due to cold weather (18 degrees below zero; wind chill, 51 degrees below zero), the second coldest temperature recorded this century. The university remained open.

Source : “MSU suspends classes for only 5th time due to weather“, MSU Today, February 3, 2011

Addendum : Top Six MSU Closures Due to Snow, Cold, or a Combination

Number 1.  The first time the campus  was closed was on January 27, 1967, when 26 inches of snow fell on campus.

Number 2.  A freak snowstorm on April 3, 1975 dumped 15 inches of wet snow, making roads and sidewalks impassable. Many people weren’t prepared for that kind of weather so late in the spring. It later led to one of the biggest floods in mid-Michigan history about 2 weeks later.

Number 3. The blizzard of ’78 also forced the university to suspend classes, after 24 inches of snow closed MSU for 2 days on January 26 & 27.

Number 4.  Cold weather was the reason why MSU suspended classes on January 19, 1994. Temperatures were 18 degrees below zero, with a wind chill of 51 degrees below zero, the second coldest temperature recorded this century. While classes were suspended, the university stayed open.

Number 5.  On February 2, 2011, classes were suspended for blizzard conditions that brought nearly a foot of snow, high winds and frigid temperatures. University critical functions were maintained, while electronic services and business operations were done remotely. The National Weather Service called this a “top 10 storm” for Michigan.

Number 6.  January 6-7, 2014.  After nearly two days of suspended operations, classes at MSU are expected to resume at 5pm Tuesday, marking the sixth time in university history it had to close to due to weather.


Recent MSU Closure Marks 6th Time in University History“, WILX News, Channel 10, January 7, 2014.

Eve Adoulos and Hillary Gatlin, “A History of Snow Days at MSU”, Tales from the Archives: Volume One, Campus and Traditions, 1917.

2014 : Oakland University’s Travis Bader Sets NCAA Division I Record for 3-Point Shots
Feb 2 all-day

Oakland University’s Travis Bader set the NCAA Division I record for the most career 3-pointers on Sunday against Milwaukee, surpassing the previous mark of 457 set by Duke’s J.J. Redick.

Bader, who entered the game two behind Redick, missed his first 3-point attempt but made his next four. He broke the record with a shot from the right corner with 6:17 left in the first half, pulling Oakland within 29-28.

Travis Bader sets 3-pointers record, ESPN, February 2, 2014.

2015 : MSU Suspends Classes Until Noon; University of Michigan Cancels Classes for Entire Day
Feb 2 all-day

For the sixth time in its history, MSU suspended classes — at least for the morning – because of a heavy snowfall. The Lansing area got between 10 and 12 inches of snow in Sunday’s storm.

In a related note the University of Michigan also suspended classes for the second time in 37 years.