
1707 : Cadillac Issues First Known Michigan Land Grants to Detroit Settlers
Mar 10 all-day

On March 10, 1707 Antoine de Lamothe Cadillac gave the first known grants of land to French settlers in Detroit.

Source : Historical Society of Michigan.

For more information, see Cadillac and the founding of Detroit : commemorating the two hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the city of Detroit by Antoine Laumet de Lamothe Cadillac on July 24, 1701 by Henry D. Brown. … [et al.]. Detroit : Published for the Detroit Historical Society by Wayne State University Press, 1976.

1902 : Henry Ford Resigns From Henry Ford Company
Mar 10 all-day

On March 10, 1902, Henry Ford resigned from the Henry Ford Company over a dispute with bankers. The company’s name was changed and, under the leadership of Henry Leland, began building Cadillacs — cars named for the founder of Detroit, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac.

Source : Detroit Historical Society Facebook Page

1914: Bad Penmanship is Statewide Disgrace!
Mar 10 all-day

The Michigan State Board of Education will make immediate attempts to improve the penmanship of students in Michigan Schools and Colleges. No student will be exempt by this endeavor. “The poor penmanship of the graduates of our public schools has long been a disgrace to the public school system,” said Superintendent of Public Instruction Keeler.

Source : News From 100 Years Ago Today, Historical Center of Traverse City, Traverse City Record-Eagle, March 10, 2014.

1937 : Lansing Automobile Strike
Mar 10 all-day

REO Ramblers perform during Lansing Auto Strike, 1937

March 10-April 7, 1937.

Under the stress of wage reductions and layoffs resulting from the nation’s Depression, more than 1500 workers at REO Motor Car Co. in Lansing went on strike March 10, 1937.

Lansing Auto Worker declared during the event, “Reo Strike Is Nation’s Model Demonstration”. Reo workers shut down the factory and occupied it for a month. Workers remained peaceful, engaging in activities such as checkers, volleyball, and singing with the Reo Ramblers.

On April 7, 1937 the strike was settled, and the UAW was approved as the workers’ union.

Sources :

Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Matthew Miller, “Lansing’s sit-down strike 75 years ago brought UAW”, Lansing State Journal, March 11, 2012.

For more information see The story of Reo Joe : work, kin, and community in Autotown, U.S.A. by Lisa M. Fine. Philadelphia, PA : Temple University Press, 2004. MSU community users can also read an electronic version.

Also check out the Lansing Auto Town Gallery courtesy of the Michigan State University Library Vincent Voice Library for interviews with former REO workers and their families, some of who recall the sit-down strike of 1937.

1953 : Alexander Groesbeck Dies in Detroit
Mar 10 all-day

One of Michigan’s most successful chief executives, Alexander Groesbeck is credited with reorganizing state government. Although he was called, “aloof as a politician and dictatorial as governor,” Groesbeck was elected governor three times (1920, 1922 and 1924). He also lost his party’s nomination on three other occasions (1926, 1930 and 1934). A Republican, Groesbeck was born in Macomb County and worked in his father’s sawmill before attending the University of Michigan where he graduated with a law degree. Groesbeck was buried in Detroit.

2016 Bay City Democrat Releases Last Issue
Mar 10 all-day

The Bay City Democrat weekly newspaper rolled out the last edition of its 126 years Thursday, March 10, 2016, with a front-page article called “The end of an era.”

It’s no April fool’s joke, as some curious people have wondered as they stopped by, said Editor and Publisher Wendy M. Knochel.

“I’m shocked, just totally shocked,” said Bay City Mayor Kathleen L. Newsham. “They have done so much for the community.”

For the full article, see Clark Hughes, “Last issue of The Bay City Democrat rolls off the press — 1890-2016“, MLive, March 10, 2016.

Online version of last paper.

2017: Popular Science Picks Michigan As the Place to Be in 2100 A.D.
Mar 10 all-day


Season after season, extreme weather bombards the continental United States. Over the next 83 years, its cascading effects will force U.S. residents inward, upward, and away from newly uninhabitable areas. But don’t worry: We’ve mapped out how these factors will alter the country’s landscape in 2100.  Courtesy of Popular Science.

We already think Michigan is the greatest place to live in America. But according to Popular Science, it’ll be really great by 2100 AD – because it predicts climate change will make other areas of the country “uninhabitable.” (Womp.) The website uses a graphical video of about 90 seconds, called “Where to live in America, 2100 A.D.,” to show how the landscape of the United States will change over the next 83 years. It says sea levels could rise by up to 6.6 feet, the number of Category 4 & 5 hurricanes will double, tornadoes will be more severe and almost the entire country will be at greater risk of a drought. The video also points out the entire West could get hotter by several degrees, more wildfires will burn because of that and mosquitoes that carry pathogens will expand their range.

For the full article, see Brian Manzullo, “Michigan the best place to live by 2100 AD, Popular Science says“, Detroit Free Press, March 22, 2017.

2020 : Governor Declares Medical Emergency
Mar 10 all-day

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declared a state of emergency late Tuesday after confirming Michigan’s first two cases of the new coronavirus, an infectious disease first found in China and now spreading through the United States.

An Oakland County woman with a recent history of international travel and a Wayne County man with a recent history of domestic travel have tested positive for COVID-19 and are hospitalized, said Dr. Joneigh S. Khaldun, the state’s chief medical executive.

Officials are calling these “presumed” cases while awaiting confirmation from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Both patients are middle-aged.

“It is very likely that we will see more cases and that there will be community spread,” Khaldun said in a 10:45 p.m. news conference with Whitmer at the Michigan emergency operations center. “We need everyone to do their part to prevent the spread of the disease as much as possible.”

Khaldun said the state learned of the diagnoses hours earlier. She was unable to detail recent travel by either patient but said local health officials are working to identify anyone who had close contact with the patients for possible testing or monitoring.

1836 : Michigan Township Act Signed, Creating Political Units
Mar 11 all-day

On March 11, 1836, Gov. Stevens T. Mason signed the Township Act, under which 6-mile square sections of land that had been delineated by the United States surveyors were organized into political units. This same sort of “cooperative county-township” system was adopted by other states, but Michigan has generally been considered the defining example.

Source: History – Do You Know

More about Townships in Michigan courtesy of the Michigan Township Association.

Find a Township courtesy of the Michigan Township Association provides a map and contact information for any township in Michigan. Data provided for each township include elected officials, address and contact information, MTA survey and U.S. Census data. Information on elected officials is updated on a daily basis.

1861 : Keweenaw County Organized
Mar 11 all-day

March 11, 1861

In the 1840s hundreds of people flocked to the Keweenaw Peninsula — a slender, rugged protrusion jutting sixty miles into Lake Superior. They came for copper. Eastern investors, speculators, adventurers and miners journeyed to the isolated region of the western Upper Peninsula in what became the nation’s first mineral rush. The copper rush led to the organization of Keweenaw County; Eagle River was chosen the county seat.

Source : Michigan is Amazing.