
27 Sat
1763 : Ottawa Chief Pontiac Holds War Council Regarding Attack on Fort Detroit
1763 : Ottawa Chief Pontiac Holds War Council Regarding Attack on Fort Detroit
Apr 27 all-day
On April 27, 1763 Ottawa leader Pontiac led a historic effort to bring disparate tribes together to drive the Redcoats from their land. A council was held on the shores of the Ecorse River, about … Continue reading "1763 : Ottawa Chief Pontiac Holds War Council Regarding Attack on Fort Detroit"
1764 : Zion Lodge Number 1, First Masonic Lodge Established in Detroit
1764 : Zion Lodge Number 1, First Masonic Lodge Established in Detroit
Apr 27 all-day
1764 : Zion Lodge Number 1, First Masonic Lodge Established in Detroit
On April 27, 1764, the Provincial Grand Master of the Free and Accepted Masons in New York issued a charter to a Masonic lodge in Detroit. The Royal American Regiment’s Lieutenant John Christie was the … Continue reading "1764 : Zion Lodge Number 1, First Masonic Lodge Established in Detroit"
1833 : Steamboat Michigan Launched from Detroit
1833 : Steamboat Michigan Launched from Detroit
Apr 27 all-day
1833 : Steamboat Michigan Launched from Detroit
On April 27, 1833, the steamboat Michigan, the first steamer built in Detroit and the most- advanced Great Lakes passenger vessel of its time, was launched from Detroit. Source: Mich-Again’s Day
1865 : Steamboat Sultana Explodes and Burns on Mississippi
1865 : Steamboat Sultana Explodes and Burns on Mississippi
Apr 27 all-day
1865 : Steamboat Sultana Explodes and Burns on Mississippi
Two members of Company K, 1st Michigan Sharpshooters – Louis Miskoguon and Amos Ashkebugnekay (along with 250 others from Michigan) — were aboard the Sultana when it exploded and burned. How ironic. After surviving the … Continue reading "1865 : Steamboat Sultana Explodes and Burns on Mississippi"
1915 : Belle Isle Visitors Rescued
1915 : Belle Isle Visitors Rescued
Apr 27 all-day
On April 27, 1915, the wooden bridge to Detroit’s recreational park, Belle Isle, burned, stranding 1,000 visitors and 100 vehicles on the island. Detroit and Windsor ferry boats left their cross-river runs to evacuate the … Continue reading "1915 : Belle Isle Visitors Rescued"
1938: Football Remains Supreme at Oxford High
1938: Football Remains Supreme at Oxford High
Apr 27 all-day
On April 27, 1938, more than half of Oxford High School’s 300 students refused to attend classes and paraded through the streets carrying banners protesting the school’s decision to drop the football program for a … Continue reading "1938: Football Remains Supreme at Oxford High"
1976: Michigan Department of Corrections Does Not Have To Pay for Sex-Change Surgery
1976: Michigan Department of Corrections Does Not Have To Pay for Sex-Change Surgery
Apr 27 all-day
Michigan was not required to pay for a prisoner’s sex change operation, according to a decision by state Attorney General Frank Kelley on April 27, 1976. A query had come from state Department of Corrections … Continue reading "1976: Michigan Department of Corrections Does Not Have To Pay for Sex-Change Surgery"
2017: Who Has Never Appeared on the Floor of the Michigan Legislature?
2017: Who Has Never Appeared on the Floor of the Michigan Legislature?
Apr 27 all-day
Here’s a game: which of these political, athletic or entertainment celebrities did not appear in Michigan’s Capitol to testify or appear before a committee, a rally or a special session: Jim Brown Howard Jarvis Ted … Continue reading "2017: Who Has Never Appeared on the Floor of the Michigan Legislature?"
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