
3 Tue
1814 : Former Michigan Territorial Governor William Hull Sentenced to Death
1814 : Former Michigan Territorial Governor William Hull Sentenced to Death
Jan 3 all-day
On January 3, 1814 a court martial was convened to try former governor William Hull on charges of cowardice and neglect of duty for surrendering Detroit to British in 1812. He was found guilty and … Continue reading "1814 : Former Michigan Territorial Governor William Hull Sentenced to Death"
1848 : Epaphroditus Ransom Is First Governor Sworn in at the New Capital in Lansing
1848 : Epaphroditus Ransom Is First Governor Sworn in at the New Capital in Lansing
Jan 3 all-day
1848 : Epaphroditus Ransom Is First Governor Sworn in at the New Capital in Lansing
Epaphroditus Ransom was the first governor sworn in at the new capital in Lansing Michigan. Arriving in Michigan from Vermont in 1834, Ransom settled in Kalamazoo County and served as chief justice of the Michigan … Continue reading "1848 : Epaphroditus Ransom Is First Governor Sworn in at the New Capital in Lansing"
1951 : Ruth Thompson from Whitehall Becomes Michigan’s First Congresswoman
1951 : Ruth Thompson from Whitehall Becomes Michigan’s First Congresswoman
Jan 3 all-day
1951 : Ruth Thompson from Whitehall Becomes Michigan's First Congresswoman
Ruth Thompson became Michigan’s first woman in Congress when voters elected her to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1950. A Whitehall native, Thompson (1887 – 1970) spent her entire working life as a public … Continue reading "1951 : Ruth Thompson from Whitehall Becomes Michigan’s First Congresswoman"
1987 : Aretha Franklin Inducted Into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
1987 : Aretha Franklin Inducted Into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Jan 3 all-day
1987 : Aretha Franklin Inducted Into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Although born in Memphis, Tennessee on March 25, 1942, Aretha Franklin’s parents brought her to Detroit at an early age where she and her sister began singing in the gospel choir of her father’s church, … Continue reading "1987 : Aretha Franklin Inducted Into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"
2018 : Phil Pearce Dies, Owner of Phil’s 550 Party Store in the UP
2018 : Phil Pearce Dies, Owner of Phil’s 550 Party Store in the UP
Jan 3 all-day
If you to traveled up to Marquette and met Phil Pearce, owner of Phil’s 550 party store, consider yourself lucky. He was a big personality, a character, a person worth knowing. Perhaps not one of … Continue reading "2018 : Phil Pearce Dies, Owner of Phil’s 550 Party Store in the UP"
2019 : Detroit Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Sworn In, First Palestinian-American Member of Congress
2019 : Detroit Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Sworn In, First Palestinian-American Member of Congress
Jan 3 all-day
2019 : Detroit Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Sworn In, First Palestinian-American Member of Congress
  When Rashida Tlaib stands on January 3 for her ceremonial swearing in as the first Palestinian-American woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, it will be with her hand on a copy of … Continue reading "2019 : Detroit Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Sworn In, First Palestinian-American Member of Congress"
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