
9 Thu
1847 : Holland Founded
1847 : Holland Founded
Feb 9 all-day
On this day, Dutch immigrants fleeing religious persecution and economic distress followed their leader Rev. Albertus Van Raalte to West Michigan and founded Holland. Sources : Zlati Meyer, “City of Holland Founded by Dutch”, Detroit … Continue reading "1847 : Holland Founded"
1864 : Elizabeth Clift Bacon Marries George Armstrong Custer
1864 : Elizabeth Clift Bacon Marries George Armstrong Custer
Feb 9 all-day
1864 : Elizabeth Clift Bacon Marries George Armstrong Custer
George Armstrong Custer, the famous Army general who grew up in Monroe, married Monroe native Elizabeth Clift Bacon on February 9, 1864. Bacon, known as Libbie, was the only surviving daughter of an important local … Continue reading "1864 : Elizabeth Clift Bacon Marries George Armstrong Custer"
1864 : Lt. Colonel William McCreery Escapes Libby Prison
1864 : Lt. Colonel William McCreery Escapes Libby Prison
Feb 9 all-day
1864 : Lt. Colonel William McCreery Escapes Libby Prison
February 9, 1864 The Great Escape, American Civil War era. In one of the Civil War’s great prison escapes, William McCreery of Flint was one of many Union officers who tunneled their way out of … Continue reading "1864 : Lt. Colonel William McCreery Escapes Libby Prison"
1934 : Vanderbilt Records 51 Degress Below Zero, A Record Low
1934 : Vanderbilt Records 51 Degress Below Zero, A Record Low
Feb 9 all-day
February 9, 1934 was the coldest day ever recorded in Michigan history, according to the National Weather Service. It was 51 degrees below in Vanderbilt in Otsego County. For the full article, see Zlati Meyer, … Continue reading "1934 : Vanderbilt Records 51 Degress Below Zero, A Record Low"
942 : Detroit Auto Plants Turn Out Last Civilian Car; Refocuses on War Production
942 : Detroit Auto Plants Turn Out Last Civilian Car; Refocuses on War Production
Feb 9 all-day
942 : Detroit Auto Plants Turn Out Last Civilian Car; Refocuses on War Production
Pictured here is the last pre-war Packard to come off the line. On February 9, 1942, production of civilian automobiles was halted across all manufacturers in Detroit, as the city shifted to wartime production and … Continue reading "942 : Detroit Auto Plants Turn Out Last Civilian Car; Refocuses on War Production"
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