Although American Brigadier-General Winchester’s American forces easily captured Frenchtown on January 18th, they were not prepared for the harsh northern winter and chose to remain there to recuperate and await reinforcement by General Harrison. They also failed to take proper measures to guard against a possible counterattack.
As a result, British troops with strong Indian support were able to counteratack on January 22, 1813 with success.
Painting by Hal Sherman of Englewood, Ohio depicting Winchester’s surrender of the Kentucky Troops at River Raisin. The painting depicts Wyandot Chief Roundhead presenting General Winchester to Proctor.
Sources :
Battle of Frenchtown wikipedia entry
Historical Society of Michigan
River Raisin Battlefield : Remember the Raisin
An Account of the War of 1812 by the Kentucky National Guard.
January 22, 1813 by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
River Raisin markers and article posted on Military Detroit.
“The War of 1812 comes to Michigan”, Detroit Free Press, January 22, 2012.
“Michigan at War: The Struggle for the Old Northwest, 1812-1815,” a documentary produced by the Michigan Commission on the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the War of 1812, has been posted for free access on MI Streamnet through a partnership with Wayne Regional Educational Services Agency.
War of 1812 PBS film DVD on order.