1823 : Henry Schoolcraft Marries Jane Johnston

March 29, 2018 all-day

Jane Johnson Schoolcraft picture


On March 29, 1823, Henry Schoolcraft married an Ojibwa woman from Sault Saine Marie name O-bah-bahm-wawa-ge-zhe-go-qua which translates “Woman of the Sound Which Stars Make Rushing Through the Sky”.  Conveniently for most Michiganders, she was also known as Jane Johnston.   While Henry Schoolcraft was known as a geographer, geologist, and ethnologist , noted for his early studies of Native American cultures, Jane Johnston was also a writer and poet of note, writing in both English and Ojibwa. In fact, many credit her as the source of many of Schoolcraft’s writing.   Her writing is also credited as the inspiration for Longfellow’s poem “Song of Hiawatha”.

Source : Bill Loomis, On This Day in Detroit History (2016), p.53

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