1835 : Acting Territorial Governor Stevens T. Mason Authorizes Formation of State Constitution and Government.

January 26, 2023 all-day

The 1835 Constitution on display at the Michigan Historical Center on Statehood Day in 2013.

On January 26, 1835, Acting Territorial Governor Stevens T. Mason issued an enabling act authorizing the people of Michigan to form a constitution and state government. The Michigan Territorial Council, the unicameral governing body of the Michigan Territory called a constitutional convention in anticipation of statehood. The convention lasted until June 24, and the proposed constitution was adopted by the voters on October 5, 1835, by a 5-to-1 margin. A bill of rights was included in this constitution, though suffrage was granted only to white males over age 21. The constitution established a superintendent of public instruction, an office which still exists today, and the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, as well as the auditor general and the justices of the Supreme Court were to be appointed, not elected.

Source : Constitution of Michigan wikipedia entry