1926 : Dearborn Hosts First Contract Airmail Service in Country

February 15, 2018 all-day

First flight cover carried over CAM-6 from Detroit to Cleveland on the first commercial U.S Air Mail flight, February 15, 1926, courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

On Feb. 15, 1926, the nation’s first contract airmail service began from Dearborn to Cleveland. Ford Motor Company’s Ford Air Transport provided the service, as well as a similar service from Dearborn to Chicago.

Note the cover of a letter carried on the first flight. The cover is autographed by Lawrence G. Fritz, the pilot of the first flight from Ford Airport at Dearborn, MI, on the CAM-6 eastbound leg to Cleveland. Capt. Fritz would later become the Vice President for Operations for TWA.

The USPS issued a 13-cent commemorative Postage Stamp (Scott #1684) on March 19, 1976, honoring the 50th anniversary of U.S. commercial aviation launched with the Contract Air Mail service. The stamp includes an image of the Stout AT-2 used on CAM-6.

Commemorative 1926-1976 aviation stamp released on the 50th anniversary of commercial aviation, courtesy of Wikipedia Commons


First U.S. Air Mail Commercial Flight Commemorative

Mich-again’s Day

Wikipedia Commons.