On Feb. 15, 1926, the nation’s first contract airmail service began from Dearborn to Cleveland. Ford Motor Company’s Ford Air Transport provided the service, as well as a similar service from Dearborn to Chicago.
Note the cover of a letter carried on the first flight. The cover is autographed by Lawrence G. Fritz, the pilot of the first flight from Ford Airport at Dearborn, MI, on the CAM-6 eastbound leg to Cleveland. Capt. Fritz would later become the Vice President for Operations for TWA.
The USPS issued a 13-cent commemorative Postage Stamp (Scott #1684) on March 19, 1976, honoring the 50th anniversary of U.S. commercial aviation launched with the Contract Air Mail service. The stamp includes an image of the Stout AT-2 used on CAM-6.
First U.S. Air Mail Commercial Flight Commemorative
Mich-again’s Day
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