1942 : Race Riot in Detroit

February 28, 2022 all-day

A race riot broke out at the Sojourner Truth federal housing project in Detroit on Feb. 28, 1942, after white picketers protested African-American families moving in.

Scores of people, including six police officers, were injured. For 12 hours, outbreaks were raged due to the controversy over occupancy of the project. Tear gas was used and two shots were fired as rioters were jailed at police headquarters.

For the full article,  see Zlati Meyer, “Race riot breaks out over blacks moving in”, Detroit Free Press, Feb. 27, 2011, A16.

Also see Vivian M. Baulch and Patricia Zacharias, “The 1943 Detroit race riots”, Detroit News, February 11, 1999 and Detroit News photo gallery

Detroit Race Riot of 1943 wikipedia entry