2018: Michigan Tech Strives for World’s Record

February 10, 2025 all-day


Michigan Tech

Michigan Technological University has unofficially broken the world record for the most snowmen built within an hour.

The previous record was 2,036 held by Japan. Michigan Tech beat that record with a total of 2,228. Snowmen were required to be at least 3-feet tall, and also have eyes, nose, and arms.

The event, “Snowman Left Behind” was hosted by the Undergraduate Student Government and the Memorial Union Board. Hundreds of students and community members showed up to help make this record possible.

Even though they broke the record, the snow was difficult to work with.

“It’s a little cold today, so a lot of our participants were kicking at the snow to get big chunks from underneath and just building upon them,” said John Nowosad, MTU Undergraduate Student Government Events Chair. “We had to have three separate balls for every snowman so that they would count, and that was a challenge because the snow wasn’t super packable.”

All of the evidence will be submitted to Guinness World Records in an application to make the new world record official.

Source : Donny Miller, “Michigan Tech unofficially breaks record for most snowmen built within an hour“, “TV6 (Fox News), February 10, 2018.