2020 : Open Carry of Guns Banned in Michigan Capitol

January 11, 2023 all-day

Monday the Michigan State Capitol Commission revisited the issue of whether or not to ban the open carry of firearms inside the Capitol building, voting this time in favor of the ban.

The question was originally taken up in April of 2020, after an armed group forced their way inside Michigan’s Capitol while lawmakers were present, but at the time no ban was put in place. The question was taken up again Monday, in light of the recent attempted insurrection in Washington D.C. This time, the ban passed.

The new rules prevent the open carrying of firearms within the Capitol building, but do not prevent concealed weapons.

While a first step, many still believe that until all guns, including concealed as well as open carry, are banned, lawmakers and other employees will be unsafe.

Source: Jake Draugelis, “Open carry of guns banned at Michigan Capitol building, WILX Channel X (Lansing, MI), January 11, 2021.