2020: Trump Tweets “Liberate Michigan”

April 17, 2025 all-day

President Donald Trump targeted Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia in tweets Friday calling for officials to “liberate” the states amid protests over stay-at-home orders aimed at stemming the spread of COVID-19.

Trump first tweeted “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” Then, a minute later, the president tweeted “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”

Minutes after that, he added in another message, “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”

All three states have Democratic governors and all three governors have faced criticism for actions they’ve taken to combat COVID-19. The stay-at-home order by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is in effect until June 10, one of the longest orders nationally.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has faced opposition from Republicans and business groups that argue she went too far in her April 9 extended and expanded stay-at-home order. A Wednesday protest about the order in Michigan brought thousands to Lansing.

Many medical professionals have backed Whitmer’s measures. Dr. Mohammed Arsiwala, president of the Michigan State Medical Society, called the extension of her order “the wise thing to do.”

“Physicians and their health care colleagues are still in the middle of the battle to treat patients suffering from COVID-19 across Michigan,” he said.

But on Wednesday, thousands of people gathered in Lansing to protest the governor’s restrictions. Some of them carried signs and flags backing Trump, a Republican who is seeking re-election.

Source : Craig Mauger and Beth LeBlanc, “Trump Tweets ‘Liberate’ Michigan, Two Other States With Democratic Governors”, Detroit News, April 17, 2020.

Trump tweets ‘liberate’ Michigan, two other states with Dem governors

Trump tweets ‘liberate’ Michigan, two other states with Dem governors

Trump tweets ‘liberate’ Michigan, two other states with Dem governors