1819 : Saginaw Treaty Signed With Native Americans

September 24, 2018 all-day

Treaty signed : September 24, 1819.

Treaty Proclamation  by the President of the United States : March 25, 1820

Placed into law as 7 Stat. 203.

The Treaty of Saginaw, also known as the Treaty with the Chippewa, was made between General (and Territorial Governor) Lewis Cass and Chief John Okemos, Chief Wasso and other Native American tribes of the Great Lakes region (principally the Ojibwe, but also the Ottawa and Potawatomi) on this day in 1819. Over 6 million acres, a third of the lower peninsula of Michigan was opened for legal white settlement by the treaty.

Sources :

YouTube video by Dennis Morris, July 31, 2016, 12:30 min.

Treaty of Saginaw Wikipedia entry

1819 Saginaw Cession and Treaty.  A chapter from the Geography of Michigan and the Great Lakes Region, GEO333, Michigan State University.

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College: Ojibwe History ACT 31 Website

Saginaw Treaty of 1819 Map courtesy of the Bay Journal.

Indian Reservations and Treaty Cessions Related to Michigan.  Compiled by Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University.  To find out information about specific treaties, just click on one of the numbers on the map (which corresponds to the treaty) or click on one of the links at the bottom.

Treaty Cessions in Michigan


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