
3 Tue
1783 : Benjamin Franklin Badgers Britain Into Ceding Isle Royale to U.S.
1783 : Benjamin Franklin Badgers Britain Into Ceding Isle Royale to U.S.
Sep 3 all-day
1783 : Benjamin Franklin Badgers Britain Into Ceding Isle Royale to U.S.
Great Britain and the United States signed the Treaty of Paris, thus ending the Revolutionary War and ceding Michigan to the United States of America. However, to retain the lucrative fur trade in Michigan, Britain … Continue reading "1783 : Benjamin Franklin Badgers Britain Into Ceding Isle Royale to U.S."
1855 : Michigan Women’s College Founded in Lansing
1855 : Michigan Women’s College Founded in Lansing
Sep 3 all-day
1855 : Michigan Women's College Founded in Lansing
Michigan Female College The Michigan Female College dates to the early years of our state’s development. It is associated with one of Michigan’s most distinguished and admired women of the 19th century, Abigail Rogers, and … Continue reading "1855 : Michigan Women’s College Founded in Lansing"
1877: University of Detroit Begins Classes
1877: University of Detroit Begins Classes
Sep 3 all-day
1877: University of Detroit Begins Classes
On September 3, 1877, the University of Detroit began classes with a group of 84 students. Now, the institution of higher learning is known as the University of Detroit Mercy and has over 5,500 students … Continue reading "1877: University of Detroit Begins Classes"
Labor Day
Labor Day
Sep 3 all-day
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions … Continue reading "Labor Day"
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