1914 : First Dodge Automobile Built

November 14, 2018 all-day

Dodge brothers in first automobile, 1914

On November 14, 1914, John and Horace Dodge built the first Dodge automobile at their facility in Hamtramck. It was the four-cylinder Dodge Model 30 and marketed as a slightly more upscale competitor to the Ford Model T. Their first car was called “Old Betsy”!

This sketch shows “Dodge Main” as it looked upon completion in 1914.

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The Dodge brothers grew up in Niles and went on to start the Dodge Brothers company and to build parts for Henry Ford. Eventually, the Dodges decided to build their own cars.

On Jan. 14, 1920, John Dodge died of influenza on January 14, 1920. Despondent over John’s death, Horace died months later on Dec. 10, 1920.


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Historical Society of Michigan

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