On April 1, 1963, Michigan voters approved a new constitution – the first Constitution in the United States to create a Civil Rights Commission charged with securing equal protection without discrimination. Today, we celebrate that progressive spirit and 50 years of civil rights protections in Michigan.
Today, the Michigan Department of Civil Rights maintains a website where Michiganders can request help regarding a number of issues.
Recent initiatives include:
Filing a complaint on February 8, 2013 with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR), asking the federal agency to issue an order prohibiting the continued use American Indian mascots, names, nicknames, slogans, chants and/or imagery (hereafter referred to as “imagery”). MDCR’s complaint asserts that new research clearly establishes that use of American Indian imagery negatively impacts student learning, creating an unequal learning environment in violation of Article VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Releasing a draft “Report on LGBT Inclusion under Michigan Law with Recommendations for Action” (January 28, 2013) which finds allowing discrimination against LGBT in Michigan leads to a negative economic impact on th economy.
Following the passage of the Matt’s Safe Schools Law in late 2011, officials from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR) came together to develop a joint initiative designed to ensure school districts have the support they need to implement effective anti-bullying programs. The initiative is aimed at reducing destructive peer interactions, thus improving behavior and attitudes in schools and communities….In December, Michigan’s public school districts were invited to apply for consultative support in developing and implementing anti-bullying programming. Nine districts expressed interest in being part of the pilot program. Of the applicants, three districts were selected to participate: Detroit Public Schools, Vandercook Lake, and Allendale Public Schools.
Other reports released in recent years include:
A Report on Conditions of Migrant and Seasonal Workers in Michigan, March 2010.
“One Michigan” at the Crossroads: An Assessment of the Impact of Proposal 06-02 By the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, March 7, 2007