Kirk Jones, a 40-year-old unemployed salesman from Canton, survived a fall over Niagara Falls without anything protecting him, like a barrel, life jacket or boat, on Oct. 20, 2003.
Jones — who’d drunk vodka and Coke before he jumped and had carefully placed his driver’s license, Social Security card and business card in a Ziploc bag in his shirt pocket — blamed his plunge over the Canadian Horseshoe Falls on depression, which he called “a terrible thing.”
Kirk was fined $2,260 in U.S. dollars, barred from Niagara Park for a year and ordered to repay $1,060 to make up for the 45 minutes the tourist site was closed after the stunt.
However, his confidence in life has been restored.
For the full article, see Zlati Meyer, “This Week in Michigan History : Canton man survives unprotected jump into Niagara Falls”, Detroit Free Press, October 20, 2013.