2016: State High Court Taps First Female Reporter of Decisions

October 10, 2021 all-day

The Michigan Supreme Court appointed Kathryn L. Loomis of Ann Arbor to serve as the reporter of decisions, the first woman to hold the post since 1838.

Chief Justice Robert P. Young Jr. announced the decision on Monday. Loomis is the first woman to hold the post since it was created to serve the state’s first Supreme Court and publish the official Michigan Reports, which contain the official decisions of the Michigan Supreme Court.

The reporter of decisions also publishes Court of Appeals decisions and court rules in the Michigan Reports, court officials said.

As the reporter of decisions, Loomis ensures the reports contain accurate citations and are understandable and clear, officials said. Bound volumes of Michigan Reports are available in any Michigan law library.

“Katie Loomis understands that every word matters,” Young said in a statement. “Supreme Court opinions must stand the test of time, and I am confident that our new Reporter of Decisions will ensure that our published opinions meet the highest standards for clear and concise legal writing.”

For the full article,see Jennifer Chambers, “State High Court taps female reporter of decisions“, Detroit News, October 10, 2016

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