1778 : Daniel Boone is brought to Detroit As a Prisoner

April 5, 2024 all-day

portrait of Daniel Boone by Chester Harding, 1820

This 1820 painting by Chester Harding is the only portrait of Daniel Boone made during his lifetime.

On April 5, 1778, Daniel Boone arrived at Detroit as a prisoner. During the American Revolution, Boone’s settlement of Boonesborough, Kentucky, suffered repeated attacks by Native Americans.

During one of these raids, Boone was captured by Native Americans and brought to Detroit. Detroit’s British commandant, Lt. Colonel Henry Hamilton, tried unsuccessfully to pay ransom for the famous frontiersman. After a short stay in Detroit, Boone’s captors took him to Ohio, where he later escaped.

According to Lyman C. Draper and Ted Ranklin Belue’s book The Life of Daniel Boone (1998), Boone arrived in Detroit on March 30th and left Detroit on April 10.

Sources :

Michigan History.

Sheryl James, “The Battle for Daniel Boone”, Michigan History, March/April 2015, pp.21-24.

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