1917 : War Fever Reflected in Detroit Free Press

April 6, 2024 all-day

On the day the U.S. declared war on Germany during World War I, the Detroit Free Press carried the following headline:

ASK SCHOOL AID FOR WAR CROPS: M. A. C. Head and State Market Director Plan Bill to Help Farmers in Harvest. SAY LABOR SHORTAGE PRESENTS BIG PROBLEM Prof. Cox Urges Bumper Yields of Corn and Beans; Student Cadets Are Ready.

Detroit Free Press, April 6, 1917.

High school boys and college students will be called upon to help with farm labor.  Captain Ira Longnecker, Commandant of the Michigan Agriculture College Regiment, and students at the Michigan Agriculture College are waiting for the call of President Wilson for volunteers.  Sport events will continue until more definite plans are received.

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