1954 : Michigan Congressman Shot in U.S. Capitol by Puerto Rican Nationalists

March 1, 2022 all-day

Alvin Morell Bentley.jpg

A group of men and a woman – shouting “free Puerto Rico” – fired pistols from a house gallery at congress members today and hit at least five. … Spectators grappled with the pistol wielders in the gallery and police leaped after them. Rep. Alvin M. Bentley of Owosso (R-Mich) was lying on the floor after the shooting ended. …

Source : Lansing State Journal, March 1, 1954

An excerpt from the Washington Post, March 2, 1954.

Bentley is also remembered for setting up the Bentley Foundation in Owosso which continues to this day to assist young people with their education and the development of the “world class” Bentley Library, at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Source : Alvin M. Bentley, 1918-1969 entry courtesy of the Shiawassee County Historical Society.

“1954 Shooting in Congress”, courtesy of American History TV C-Span 3. A Universal-International News newsreel report regarding the March 1, 1954, shooting attack on the floor of the House of Representatives by three Puerto Rican activists. Five members of Congress were injured. Also shown were excerpts from the C-SPAN program “The Capitol” including interviews with witnesses of the attack.

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