1963 : Detroit Statues Forever Linked by Prank

April 19, 2024 all-day

On this date, two Detroit statues were forever linked by a spring prank, possibly undertaken by a University of Detroit fraternity but never proved. That night, huge green footprints were painted from “The Sprit of Detroit” (the big green guy outside the City-County Building, now the Coleman A. Young Municipal Building) to the “Passo di Dazna”, the nude woman in front of the former Michigan Consolidated Gas Building. According to a Detroit Free Press story on the following day, “Did the Jolly Green Giant have a date across the street?”

The Spirit of Detroit, 1960 - 2012.032.034

Source : Zlati Meyer, “You haven’t lived here until..you know the love story of two Detroit statues and their late-night rendezvous”, Detroit Free Press, June 9, 2013.

Spirit of Detroit entry from Encyclopedia of Detroit

Passo di Danza

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