2018 : 3.6 earthquake shakes Ontario, Downriver

April 19, 2024 all-day


A small earthquake rattled parts of Ontario and southeast Michigan on Thursday night and sent startled residents outside and online looking for answers.

A magnitude 3.6 quake — the largest in Michigan since 1947 — originated near Amherstburg, Ontario, according to the United States Geological Survey, just across the Detroit River, about 15.5 miles south of Detroit, and was felt at least 40 miles away in parts of Downriver and Dearborn.

For the full article, see Sarah Rahal and Mark Hicks, “3.6 earthquake shakes Ontario, Downriver“, Detroit News, April 19, 2018.

For another, see Ann Zaniewski, “Whoa! 3.6-magnitude earthquake rattles southeast Michigan“, Detroit Free Press, April 19, 2018.

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