Ann Arbor has yawned and turned over for its last cat nap, and then awakened with a start to the realization that the first of October is nigh, and that the college youths from all the world are coming back to little old double A for another 9 months of higher education, football and the other ingredients that go to make up the finished product, the college man. Once each year Ann Arbor falls into this deep and untroubled sleep, the day that summer school closes. The city sleeps until about the time Yost arrives in town and begins his preliminary football and the everlasting stogie at one and the same time. Along about this time the first bunch of freshmen usually comes.
Note : Article was penned on September 28th but appeared on the 29th.
Source : ANN ARBOR HEARS SOUNDS; AWAKENS: COLLEGE YOUTHS ARRIVING PROM ALL OVER WORLD TO ATTEND U. OF M. OUTLOOK FOR INCREASED ATTENDANCE IS BRIGHT MANY FRESHMEN ALREADY ON HAND AND FACULTY MEMBERS ARE STRAGGLING IN. Detroit Free Press (1858-1922) [Detroit, Mich] 29 Sep 1912: 15. The Historical Free Press is available online to the MSU Community and visitors to the Main Library