1952 : Prison Riot in Jackson

April 20, 2024 all-day

April 20-25, 1952

In one of the worst riots in Michigan Department of Corrections history, prison guards were seized and fire broke out at the Jackson Maximum Security Prison. State Police were called in to help restore order. Damages was estimated in the millions.

The riot began when two maximum-security prisoners overpowered a guard and used his keys to release the other inmates in their wing. Damaging several wings and using the canteen for food, they held nine guards hostage at knifepoint for five days. The rioters wanted officials to agree to a list of eleven demands and that these be published in the local newspaper, and also asked for a personal guarantee of an investigation into the complaints by the Governor of Michigan. In all, 2,600 inmates participated, doing $2.5 million worth of damage. The episode came to an end when officials agreed to publication, to allow outside inspectors and not to punish the participants. However, the leaders were eventually indicted for conspiracy and the demands remained largely unmet. The 1954 film Riot in Cell Block 11 is closely based on the Jackson riot.

Kenneth McCormick and Jerome Hansen, “Uneasy Truce Reigns in Deadly Jackson Mutiny”, Detroit Free Press, April 22, 1952, cover page.

Prison Riots of 1952 : Jackson Maximum Security Prison

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