1862 : First Michigan Light Artillery, Battery B, Sees Action at Shiloh, Tennessee

April 6, 2024 all-day

Battle of Shiloh

April 6-7, 2012 marks the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Shiloh, fought in southwestern Tennessee. Participants included the men of Battery B, First Michigan Light Artillery. Larry R. Houghton told their story in Michigan History Magazine, March/April 1993 issue. Excerpts from his article follow.

Excerpt #1 (Sunday morning, April 6)

In position at about 9:00 A.M., Battery B began firing for the first time at human targets. Sergeant Mills recalled,

We could see the enemy advancing at a rapid rate. We formed in battery, and poured upon them the deadly shell. Our position then being so near, it was responded to by a volley which fell like hail around and in our midst. We then retired a short distance [back to the Hamburg-Savannah Road] and ceased to fire. Here, for the first time, the dreadful havoc of war became a stern reality to us, and was no longer a picture of imagination.

Source: Seeking Michigan, April 3, 2012.

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