1962 : Martin Luther King Speaks at University of Michigan

November 5, 2021 all-day

Ann Arbor speech: On Nov. 5 1962, King spoke to students at the University of Michigan’s Hill Auditorium. “It wasn’t a big crowd, it appears to be somewhat small,” Karen Lee Jania, an archivist at Bentley, told the Ann Arbor News. “I don’t think it was of campus-wide interest at the time… it’s conceivable that it was maybe a last minute kind of thing, so publicity didn’t get out.”

The speech was not well documented, but several photographs of the visit were found in 2012.

Kellie Woodhouse, “Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1962 visit to University of Michigan”, Ann Arbor News, January 19, 2013.

Martin Slagter, “Martin Luther King Jr. told U-M crowd to live as brothers or face dying as fools“, MLive, January 16, 2017.

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